Zachary Chung
Hi, thanks for checking in!
I'm an Econ major who's big into solving problems, making things, and working with great people. Below is some of my stuff!

Some Projects

Production manager & level designer for 2D, speed oriented platformer. Spring from bounce pads, avoid spikes, and maintain your momentum while trying to set a highscore on the leaderboard.

No Tanks Left
Product manager & level designer for 3D, local multiplayer party game. Each key on the keyboard controls a singular tank. Tanks automatically shoot, hold your key to turn. Build your scorestreak and powerup your tank!

Echo & Fives
Two custom-made Discord Bots. Following certain commands, they may join the channel and speak via audio files, with responses dependent on the user's role. Can create embeds, log user reports, and more.

KBILLY Super Sounds
A hand-made animation set to audio from Reservoir Dogs and Stealers Wheel's Stuck in the Middle with You. Motion-tracked animation composited into my hand-drawn, interactive studio.

Lucy's a Rainbow
A brief animation comparing two 1967 songs and their album covers by The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. Animation and audio made to loop perfectly.

Log Guy
A cutting edge, all original intellectual property. Log Guy represents the pinnacle of character design. He can seamlessly be inserted into any project and instantly make it better. This is a fact.
I'm experienced with a variety of technologies in workplace, scholastic, and personal environments. Many more listed on my LinkedIn!
Statistical analysis,
data modeling, and planningJira
Jira technologies with
Scrum for managementConfluence
Planning and
project trackingPython
tool developmentJavaScript
Experience with JavaScript for React and Node backend services
Database queries
and economic modelsVisio
Experience with
visual modelingUnity
2D and 3D
level designAdobe Creative Suite
Photo, video, audio
animation and editing
About Me
My passions lie in renewable energy, technology, music, film, and games.
(Along with Econ and Business of course!)
I love spending my time exploring new places, trying new things, and learning everything I can.
I'm always driven to learn about the world around me and work on things that make it better. Big fan of big problem solving!
I aim to work where my economic and business interests intersect with the other things I'm passionnate about. See those things above!
I love finding new albums and collecting vinyls! Pet Sounds, Lola vs. Powerman, and The Point! Currently learning the guitar and improving my piano!
Memorable characters and punchy dialogue, that's my stuff! Some favorites are The Darjeeling Limited, Star Wars, and Fantastic Mr. Fox.
Every game is my kind of game! Some recent favorites include Civ VI, L.A. Noire, Overwatch, and DnD 5E. I love strategy, story, and planning!
That's all for now
Thanks :)
(for reading).
have a good one